April 13, 2024

RMTA Spring Festival and RMTA Jazz Competition 2024

 The Spring Festival and Jazz Competition were held on Saturday, April 13, 2024.

The evaluation consists of three possible ranks. Points are awarded for each rank. With each increment of 15 points, students are eligible to receive a trophy.

I+ = Superior with Honor
I   = Superior
II  = Excellent

Spring Festival - 12 students participated in the Spring Festival

10 students received ratings of Superior with Honor

Binson P.
Charlotte T.
Fletcher K. (and a 90-point trophy)
Matthew L. (and a 60-point trophy)
Phu P.
Rajveer R. (and a 75-point trophy)
Sheamus A. (and a purple ribbon)
Vishwa S.
Vivek D. (and a purple ribbon)
William P. (and a purple ribbon)

2 students received ratings of Superior

Billy P.
David L.

Jazz Competition 9th-10th Grade Division - 1 student competitor
Aidan N., received a rating of I+, a 105-point trophy, and was the 3rd place winner in his division.  


October 21, 2023

Royal Conservatory of Music - Great Job!

Congratulations are in order!

Katherine C. completed her Royal Conservatory of Music Certificate Program Practical Assessment (Level 5) with First Class Honors!

The practical assessment covers: 

  • performing, 
  • sight-reading, 
  • ear test, and 
  • technical requirements
Hats off for this outstanding achievement!

August 1, 2023

Royal Conservatory of Music - Congratulations!

Charlotte T. recently completed the Royal Conservatory of Music Practical Assessment (Level 3) and received a rating of First Class Honours with Distinction.  

The practical assessment covers: 

  • performing, 
  • sight-reading, 
  • ear test, and 
  • technical requirements

Great job, Charlotte!

July 21, 2023

Royal Conservatory of Music - Bravo!

Having completed the Royal Conservatory of Music Practical Assessment (Level 3), Nick S. received a First Class Honours with Disitinction rating.  

The practical assessment covers: 

  • performing, 
  • sight-reading, 
  • ear test, and 
  • technical requirements

Congratulations are in order!

April 22, 2023

RMTA Spring Festival and RMTA Jazz Competition 2023

The Spring Festival and Jazz Competition were held on Saturday, April 22, 2023.

All five students who entered this year received ratings of Superior with Honor. Well done!

The evaluation consists of three possible ranks. Points are awarded for each rank. With each increment of 15 points, students are eligible to receive a trophy.

I+ = Superior with Honor
I   = Superior
II  = Excellent

Spring Festival
All four students received Superior with Honor (I+)

Charlotte T. (also received her 15-point trophy)
Ivy K. (also received her 30-point trophy)
Katie Lynn E. (also received her 45-point trophy)
Lauren C. (one point away from earning her 130-point trophy)

Jazz Competition
One entry who received Superior with Honor (I+)

Fletcher K. (Received his 75-point trophy and a 3rd Place trophy for the Grade 10 Division)

Congratulations to all !! 

March 5, 2023

Junior Pianists Guild Concerto Audition 2023

Congratulations, to Morgan T.  She received a gold trophy and was selected as the only performer chosen to perform in the Awards Recital!  To watch and listen to her playing click on this link: https://www.facebook.com/JuniorPianistsGuild

RMTA Sonatina Festival 2023

The Sonatina/Sonata Festival was held on Saturday, March 4, 2023.

All five students who entered this year received ratings of Superior with Honor or SuperiorWell done!

The evaluation consists of three possible ranks. Points are awarded for each rank. With each increment of 15 points, students are eligible to receive a trophy.

I+ = Superior with Honor
I   = Superior
II  = Excellent

Students Receiving Superior with Honor (I+)

Aidan N. (also received his 90-point trophy)
Charlotte T. 
Nanditha S. (also received her 60-point trophy)

Students Receiving Superior (I)

Binson P.
Katherine C. (also received her 120-point trophy)

Congratulations to these students for their dedication, self-discipline, and wonderful musical performance!